2000 odd years after Jesus was welcomed by crowds of palm-clad admirers, David Come-soon's preaches are making their holy mark on voters, with his Disciples and He, gathering more voters for the Compassionate cause. Epolitix reported on Palm Sunday that David is preparing his second coming to the political world and with the news that he is 16 points ahead of the Prole Pharisees lurking in the Labour camp, it is sure to be blessed with success.
A new covenant might be on the cards, eh readers? TTG of course wishes David every chance in toppling the current temple but she draws the line at the biblical eating of his body and blood.
Maundy Thursday, March 20, 2008
While our Sovereign made headlines by heading to non-EIREland for Maundy Thursday, to hand over 82p of her dosh to 82 men and women, TTG can reveal that Archi-non-bald Rowan Will-imams might be giving up the day job of part time Imam.
Much to the pleasure of newly enlightened TTG as she seated to have her feet cleansed by Rowan, it would seem the Welsh ducal Chrit is quite engrossing himself into Christian work - first washing the feet of 12 of the unwashed (including TTG) and secondly with a second public appearance on Easter Sunday.
TTG prays this marks the return to the Bible for the Theologian for good.
God, can you hear me? ...
Good Friday, March 21, 2008
Like the religious currant buns, the Gurkhan men who have fought for England for nearly 200 years, are more than just cross. Angry that yet again their pleas to receive equal pay, pension and privilege as UK citizens have been thwarted by the surly Scot, McBroon, the Nepals have given back their war time medals.
The law states that any Gurkhan man who served before 1997 has to apply for stay in the country yet those who served later can stay without so much of a hint of immigration paperwork.
Captain Clegg of the Dribberals held a medal up high before signing a motion against the discrimination of the Gurkhas who are denied refuge in the country they once fought valiantly to protect.
The bizarre law which prevents the automatic stay of these men was demonstrated in the question by the Shadow of the Opposition leader, Clogg: "Can you explain to the Gurkhas why on earth you believe that Gurkhas who served in the Army after 1997 are worthy of British citizenship but those who served before that date should be deported?"
As Jesus watched from up high, exalted on the cross, while the Roman guardsmen cast lots on his clothes, it seems the good ole betsmen of modern times have carried on this tradition by opening the betting shops on Good Friday.
It would seem the secular scum are revelling in this overturn of the long law of keeping bets to themselves with the Times quoting one man “It’s a modern world, this is sport, not religion."
Quite, Mr Secular Scowler but in the immortal words of Guns and Roses, Every Throw Has Its Thorn? Remember as you roll, that Jesus gave up his life and was sacrificed. And for what, so you can pray for a big win while sinning to the hilt? Perhaps a refresher course of hell, damnation might re-adjust these views. You'll be begging for God's salvation then!
Easter Eve, March 22, 2008
Super Troopers: France's pledge to send men to Afghan fight
Hark! Dozy Sarkozy will proclaim the arrival of 1,000 Francs. to war-stricken Afghanistan to help out political bud Brown. If you thought his friendship with Bliar was bad enough, this latest seance with McFrown will make you do just that, frown in rage.
A cheek considering that the Labour luvvy paper supports money launderers incumbent in public office who definitely deserve a ticking off or two from the police.