Friday, January 11, 2008

Tony is back!

Yes you've heard it right. Bliar is back, not on English soil but up to no good in the EU.

TTG pardons her french but here below is the email sent to me from the peuple gentils at the UMP (Sosexy's party)

"Samedi 12 janvier 2008, de 9h00 à 13h00,
suivez en direct le conseil national de l'UMP
en présence de Tony Blair et de Nicolas Sarkozy
Premier grand moment fort de l'année 2008, ce Conseil national sera l'occasion de lancer la campagne pour les élections municipales des 9 et 16 mars prochains.
A trois semaines de la ratification du Traité de Lisbonne par le parlement français, la question des réformes en Europe sera également au cœur des débats.
Tony BLAIR et Nicolas SARKOZY prendront la parole sur ce sujet.

Alors, ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous !" (don't miss this meeting!)

Translation : in a nutshell, Tony Blair campaigns to win EU presidential election bid.

No, it doesn't say that but France might as well pick up that white surrender flag of theirs and wave it around a bit.

One question however, why would ANYONE even La France celebrate the fact that the "I'm-really-a-Catholic-honest" weasel is to discuss and campaign about the Lisbon Treaty.

TTG wouldn't let Tony Blair anoint her feet with his hair-raising mop (as ordoned on the Daily Express cover) in typical Catholic tradition, let alone allow him near any elections/treaties/official work.

Just a small alteration to the french anthem when the day comes, and it shall, when God's earth will witness the 11th plague, the plague of Blairism.

Le jour de gloire n'est pas arrive!

In other news Tony Blair's got a new job - £50,000 a week at a bank -suits him well.


Chris Paul said...

Think it's £50,000 a week actually TTG ...

Francesca Preece said...

Consider it amended. Thanks for the correction.