Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Today marks the end of our Phoney Election War ... now the real fight begins

Brown has finally declared war. After months of speculation and bitter heated poster sabotage and blow exchanges, the tired, worn-out son of a preacher finally revealed the date when the election explosions begin - MAY 6TH 2010.

Now is the time our army of activists reach out to the public for their support, to take up arms of literature and equip ourselves with pledges as we hit the war-torn streets.

We have no time to lose, Tory troops. Time is of the essence. Our objective? To back Britain at all costs and to put Britain back firmly under the democratic control of the Conservatives.

As we march out our commanders to the borough battle fronts, we must bring out our policy reserves to assist us in this campaign to oust out this rebel force which for too long has seized our assets, our state and strangled our future in its socialist grip.

Rebel group, Labour, will use guerilla and dirty tactics but we must not lose sight of our goal. We fight to the death of Labour control, and rule.

Our country needs you to back our Chief in Command, David Cameron, this May 6th.


Cazzy Jones said...

"The tired, worn out, son of a preacher" - thanks, you've inspired a parody!


Anonymous said...

Is very gooood .........