Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Laboural Democrats offer as much change as a 99p store. Get more for your money with a Tory government

There's a reason why there's a smile on Gordon's face lately - Nick Clegg put it there.

His polished performance and promises of change (excerpt from St David Cameron's gospel) have gone down well with the public and Brown couldn't be happier.

Brown wants Britain to be hung, drawn and quartered. For him, he can at last have a scapegoat of his very own to pass the parcel of responsilibity on to when the riverbanks burst or birds get a cold. Bringing in the very best of the shadows of the shadows ad lib would also give him the chance to oust his rivals like the Milibros. Also with a boost for Clegg, there will be more recruits to their Lib-Lab harem. A strong, cross-party fortification to keep the Tories out of their House. And to keep common sense away from waging power in the country. United, Labour's ally, the Lib Dems, can help to push the Tories firmly back into the Opposition ditches.

For years, Lib Dems and Labour have coincided peacefully in their respective habitats - sharing their votes to stop the Tories from getting a piece. TTG's mum bore witness to their tactics when a rosy-dozy canvasser came to her door. 'Can I count on your vote'? 'Certainly not!'
'Will you be voting for the Liberal Democrats because that is a vote for us too'. Evidently with the bright brain TTG's mam has on her shoulders, she caused the woman to shriek as she revealed her penchant for the Tory way of doing things. She never did come back to the TTG household. This story, however small, shows that this brotherhood is right at the roots of these two parties who stick together through thick and thin. They are essentially joined at the hip - their policies are one. The Father, the Son and the Liberal spirit. That's Labour's liturgy.

Publicly, they are at odds but behind closed doors, the two are all in this together to keep one or both in power in a pact to keep the Tories out. They probably don't chill with a beer to watch the game together or go out on the tiles to boogie on a Saturday night. They're aquaintances.
The two parties are staffed with similar political species. Hypocrisy and envy pump through their veins while their heads are filled with a socialist utopia ideal and dreams where reality never darkens their presence. They both believe a money tree really exists (China, you say?) and that handing over British passports like shop loyalty cards can only be a good thing.

There is no change with a party who works with Labour. The Conservatives have CHANGED, for good. It's no ploy, or PR stunt. We are progressive and have responded to the desperate cries of a public calling for something other than what we've got now.

If you want something different, different politics, different approach, different values, beliefs and creeds, then look no further than the Conservatives.

Vote for the Conservatives and you're voting for that change.


Anonymous said...

Well I am thinking about it...

What Grinds Your Gears - The Campaign Blog said...

Do have a read of in coalition with Laura Sandys for South Thanet.
Loved this article - my opinion exactly...sick of seeing Gordon pallying up to Clegg - we need him out.